

Two Loves

Two loves i tenderly serve,
My first love, his smile only i deserve
Angelic face i gaze upon,
The other’s cherub eyes i’ve won

To them, my heart passionately belong

Yet, they say, more than one is wrong?

My voice for each, speak of a song
A ballad of affection,
A chorale in celebration

My soul, incessant promises it speaks
A vow, better or worse and for keeps

And for the other, sturdy wings i seek
Knowledge i will teach, be humble, be meek

My happiness, never will it subside
Arguments cannot us divide

For the other, care i will provide
His horizon, better and wide

My spirit rejoices in us three
From the past and present, one came to be
A bright tomorrow, he promised me.

Him on the other hand his life I’ll mold
The fate of his future, in my hands I hold
With my loves power I commit,

Of prevalent strength, I must admit
My life, they both complete

To them, I pledge my care and trust ,
To choose is torment, so I must not
Thus having only one is what ?
Ever after having naught.

For equal love I have shown
My devotion I have made known

On the day I was wed,
And to the other on his christening bed

By: Richard’s wife and Rafa’s mom

 (Pier Angeli B. Ang Sen as published in Baby Magazine)


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Pier Angeli B. Ang Sen is The Soapbox Filipina. She was named after a Hollywood Italian actress from the fifties. She is a home maker. She's a book lover, cook, movie fan, storyteller, tutor and proud Filipino. She dabbles into art. She's an online seller. She's a mom taking a coffee break from mommy duties. In between sips, she writes valuable life experiences acquired from her being a mom and wife.
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